Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Star shaped piping on cookies

I took my very first piping class today and we started with the real basics.

Our instructor was mostly lecturing today - on tips on baking a great cake, on how to make icing, how to ice a cake nicely, and finally, she showed us how to fill the icing bag, put on the tip and pipe a star.

We ended the lesson with us piping on the lemon cookies that my sister and I baked for class.

This is what I ended up making, using only piped stars on medium consistency icing:

Since we were only using white icing,  I also added a little bit of sprinkles to add that tiny extra kick!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Green Vanilla Rosette Cupcakes

Here are the vanilla cupcakes that I baked before icing
Bird's Eye View of the Rosette iced  cupcake

Side views of the cupcakes that I piped.  I made a light green butter cream icing made of powdered sugar, butter, vanilla, vegetable shortening and milk.

I was pretty happy with the way that the rosettes turned out.

The cupcakes on a stand.

My first time piping rosettes.

Top view of the cupcakes!

Voila!  Vanilla cupcakes topped with hand piped light green vanilla butter cream rosettes!

Friday, January 6, 2012

My First Fondant Cake

The finished product of my first fondant cake.  I just baked a regular sponge cake and decorated it with fondant.

The cake was covered with fondant.  The fondant was made with melted marshmellows mixed with powdered sugar.  The powdered sugar was made by blending the granulated sugar up with a blender.

I then decorated the cake with Wilton fondant.  Aren't they cute?
Top view!

Huge Cookie Cookie Monster Cake

This was the finished product of the Cookie Monster cake that my boyfriend and I made for my sister's birthday!  I'm a big fan of decorating, and not so knowledgeable on cake recipes, so the recipe of the actual cake was from him.

It was very tasty, especially for a chocolate fan like me!  This cake had layers of chocolate spongecakes, ganache, and a huge chocolate chip cookie in the middle.

I used a big piece of of chocolate cookie near the front of Cookie Monster's mouth as a sign.  Too bad the colour of the icing gel was too faint.

Decorations: The Cake was decorated with vanilla icing mixed with a drop of blue icing.  The eyes were cut out from the huge chocolate chip cookie that we baked. They were covered with vanilla icing and two drops of black icing.

 We cut a piece out!  I was a little sad to see a chunk out of this Cookie Monster.... but on the bright side,  it was soo delicious!
Here's a closer look at the layers